Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Grateful Griller Debut at Ottawa HomeShow 2009!!!

Hola my ceramic grilling amigo's,

Ok, first and foremost my sincere apologies for being very inconsistent with new blog posts!  I have learned quickly that when you wear 50 different hats when building your own brand you have to learn how to juggle faster and faster every day, so, with that said, I promise to be posting new entries once if not twice weekly from here on out, cross my grilling heart!

A few weeks back I did what the "Griller" has never done, take part in a consumer based show to spread the ceramic gospel to the Ottawa region at large at LandsDowne park.  I was very skeptical at first about investing in a show like this because I can't cook inside a closed building with my grills and if people who know nothing about Primo or BGE haven't tasted the results of both these fab cookers, what's the point?  Well the point as I learned is to get exposure and exposure the "Griller" got and loads of it!!!!!

The weekend was a smash hit and approximately 30,000 people came through the doors over the four days.  I also officially launched Primo at the show which got huge attention from passers by wanting to take a peek and learn more about this grilling lifestyle.  I was situated right across from the "Napolean" demo area and it was perfect because the smells coming from that area got people in the mood for food including myself!  There were various local growers surrounding my concept who showed off their products and all in all it was a fantastic weekend for all who attended.

I have to say a big thank-you to my friend Anthony at ArdMore Exhibits in Montreal who designed my booth and got it to us in less than three weeks and to my graphic design guru Simon Cooper at Envy Communications for always being able to add those impressive finishing touches with the savvy "Grateful Griller" logo's, thanks guys!  I also can't forget Nancy Carrier at the HomeShow for all she did for me to get me into the show, merci beaucoup Nancy! I look forward to next year already.

So its truly official folks!  "The Grateful Griller" is in town and waiting to land on your deck to bring you the "GTO" show ( grilled to obsession) and inspire all who want to become part of the "grilled to obsession" lifestyle a look and taste of great food and the greatest ceramic cookers in the world thanks to Primo and BGE!!!!

Until later this week, clear the decks and keep on grilling!

fire, smoke,food,



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