Hola my grilling friends!
At long last the time has finally come to take a rest and reflect for a moment or two on how the last seven months have flown by and I honestly can't believe that Xmas is around the corner. I think I can now say with confidence that "The Grateful Griller" has landed! I want to first and foremost say a million thank-you's to all my clients for allowing me the unique opportunity to venture into your homes and onto your decks to introduce you to my concept over the last few months since early Spring/08. Without you, I would not be in business. I want to also thank Jeff, Leigh, and Mark and the rest of the "Cafe 1870" posse in Wakefield (best little bar in the world) for allowing me the chance to launch "The Grateful Griller" nights every Thursday and for having faith in my concept and overall vision for success. I hope I can come back next year! Working with you guys was a blast and the energy on those nights was addictive. I also want to thank my family who somehow tolerate my "on the ragged edge" approach to making my ideas a reality and riding the daily roller coaster with me. Simon, aka ( my brother from another mother) you are the best graphic designer anyone could ever have and your beer tab is on me for life. Miguel for going 19,000 rpm into table production without much notice and Berta, Andrew P., Rick Robertson, Alain B., Alain T., Jimmy "Z" & M.P., thank-you a million times over for your time, your ears and experience in your given fields and consistent support on a weekly basis at the Cafe. It sure was fun!
On a final note, I have been extremely fortunate to have met some like minded and equally passionate people both in Canada and the USA over the last year who have not only given me their time but helped me by getting behind my concept and endorsing my game plan. Thank-you Donna & Terry @ SmokinLicious, Doris & Doug @ Malabar Superspice, Jean-Claude @ Basque Charcoal, Big Green Egg Canada and my friend Martin Cardinal @ Thule Canada who for the record was the first Corporate affiliate to support "The Grateful Griller" by rigging out the "GTOT" ( Grilled, To, Obsession, Toyota) with the best damn automotive racks money can buy. Without them it would have been impossible. Here's to the future!
"The Grateful Griller" started as a mere idea floating around in my head dating back to 2003 after I ventured out on the town with Eva to go bbq shopping. Little did I know then, that after purchasing my first "Big Green Egg" I would end up diving head long into this exciting and ancient cooking practice and developing an entire business plan around it in order to introduce it to the world at large. I consider myself very fortunate to love what I do for a living and after having had a fifteen year career in the sporting goods business and still being able to utilize my sales experience and combine it with a love of food and all things tasty I often need to pinch myself thinking I'm dreaming.
For the record, I write like I speak, from the heart, so please forgive my poor grammar and let's collectively agree to share good conversation, great recipes, music pics, beverage pairing suggestions and by all means, your comments/suggestions on my very first attempt at "blogging" are welcomed with an open mind. Expect many great things in the near future from "The Grateful Griller" in regard to great and useful links to other blogs and affiliate partners of mine but ultimately my initial objectives are to share information about outdoor grilling/cooking with your ceramic oven of choice and to build a really cool forum of sorts in order to answer questions, concerns and continue learning more about this cooking method and anything else that comes to mind that you want to know regarding this lifestyle. If I don't have the answer I will find one asap.
In conclusion to post#1 on day#1 of this blog I am dedicating it from here on to the memory of Joseph Rothbart who passed away July 31/08. I feel extremely fortunate to have had a second father figure in my life and he was it. My passion for what I do and determination to do it well were taught to me by him. The ultimate "family" man was always there for me and although he never gave me the answers he always gave me golden clues to figure things out that will travel with me forever. I wear your lucky "13" with pride and feel blessed to have known you for 37 years. Thanks for being my "rockstar."
Grilled To Obsession,
Chef Miguel
Congrats Chef Miguel!!!
Nice Blog and looking forward to learning a few things from your bbq'ing. Reserve me a place at your next Grateful Griller night..
Take care and keep on being obsessed with grilling!
Thanks Jean-Claude! Here's to many more great meals grilled over "Basque" charcoal, the best charcoal in Canada!
Chef Miguel
I'll be taking you up on the beer for life promise... nice blog hombre. Happy to see the Griller on line.
Thanks Brother!
make it steak as well, you deserve it!
Great First Season and awesome to see you online!!
Hey Miguel,
You forgot to mention your international business contacts now with kamado cookers australia.
We are both on the same path educating people to the best tasitiest easiest way to cook food on something that is actually designed to last not rust!
We are up against the big multi million dollar companies of the world that have brain washed the public, but we will get our message out there tot hose that are open to change and appreciate quality.
PS great snow pics..its 32+c here at 8.00 am!
Hola Michael,
many thanks for your comments and please except my apologies. Those "multi million dollar" fat cats can't touch guys like you and me! Here's to dancin on the deck in the land of Auss in the future!
shivering @ -20C but still "grilled to obsession"
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